What is body dysmorphia?


It is very true--we are our own worst enemy. People can put so much time, energy, money and effort into getting to a healthier weight, but they still see their bodies as they were when they started this journey.

What is body dysmorphia?2025-03-11T09:58:22-05:00

Spring into Spring


I have a discount code for 20% off an order for ANYONE that will conquer this challenge. I have made it very attainable. Below is my email. I am asking each of you to email me 5x each of the next 5 weeks with what you have done for your activity for the day. The catch? There isn't really one. YOU pick your activity, YOU pick your intensity, YOU pick your duration. I am happy to provide recommendations if you need help, but I just want to see you all move more. Sometimes we need a challenge to spring forward.

Spring into Spring2025-03-11T09:56:25-05:00

What’s holding you back?


When something is important to us (I mean REALLY important), it should be easy to find the motivation to find a way to make it a priority. IF we find ourselves unable to work towards achieving a VERY important goal, we HAVE to find out WHAT IS HOLDING YOU BACK??

What’s holding you back?2025-03-11T09:54:30-05:00

Fast Food February


I cannot believe it's already February. As I was working on topics for my weekly messages, it seems I have found myself in a fast-food drive thru more times than I care to admit. That led me to think that there would be many others in the same situation, so I wanted to offer some guidance rather than have a mentality of "avoidance."

Fast Food February2025-03-11T09:53:57-05:00

Cookie Cutters and Weight Loss


I have said more times than I can count that there is not one set program to lose weight that works for everyone. It is the same way with Journey To Health. We are not a cookie cutter program. I am not going to tell you that there are a certain number of specific steps to follow for a delegated amount of time and, POOF, you will reach your goal weight. What I will tell you is that you may never reach your goal weight. And that that is ok.

Cookie Cutters and Weight Loss2025-01-08T09:59:12-06:00

What Motivates You?


Everyone has their "why." What is yours? Why do you want to be healthier? Why do you want to lose weight? NOBODY can tell you what your "why" is, but it's very important for you to understand what it is for you.

What Motivates You?2025-01-08T10:01:06-06:00

The Importance of Stretching


I'm going to be honest with you all. I hate yoga, but there are a lot of benefits anyone can get from incorporating stretching and flexibility into your daily routine. I'm going to discuss benefits of stretching and then go over some flexibility work you can do from your chair or couch.

The Importance of Stretching2025-01-08T10:05:13-06:00

How do you measure your success?


Some people are just not "numbers people." I am one of those people. I have been in the weight loss industry for over 20 years, and I do not own a scale. I actually hate numbers, and I feel bad for "my people" that get so distraught when the number on the scale defines not only their day, but sometimes their week, month, or year. Let's start 2025 off with some positivity and encouragement---if you never reach your goal weight, IT IS OK!!! Let's look at why the number on the scale should be secondary to other ways you can measure your success.

How do you measure your success?2025-01-08T10:13:59-06:00

New Year’s Resolutions


Have you set your New Years Resolutions for 2025? A lot of people sit down about this time every year and outline what they intend to do in the New Year. For some it's a serious process; for others it is almost a joke. What I would like to encourage you to do is make this more about setting goals and have a plan to achieve your goals rather than to simply set resolutions.

New Year’s Resolutions2024-12-18T10:29:07-06:00

Merry Christmas


The holiday season goes by so fast! My wish for you is to be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy all of the wonderful things that come this time of year. Have I already mentioned that we need to be prepped and ready for the New Year that is just around the corner? Make sure to use today to get prepped, so you don't have to think about it the rest of the week.

Merry Christmas2024-12-18T10:27:13-06:00
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