Summertime Goals

by Journey to Health Program Director, Becky Anderson

Summer is officially here. For most of us, it’ll be over before we blink. What are your plans for the summer? Make a list of your goals for this summer right now. Don’t say you will get to it; it takes 2 minutes. Give me your top 3 things you hope to accomplish in the next 3 months.

I’ll share mine.

  1. Enjoy time with daughter #3 before moving her to college.
  2. Enjoy time with daughter #1 before she moves to start her new job.
  3. Try to manage my emotions in a healthy way as I reach the first two goals.

To successfully improve lifestyle choices, support and accountability are crucial. Join me this summer and let’s reach our goals together.

For more information email

Lainie Wolter
Lainie Wolter

JTH Program Director

Becky Anderson

My name is Becky and I am the proud mother of 7. My role is in the exercise discipline. I am a life-long athlete. My favorite sport is basketball, and I have been coaching at all levels for over 28 years. I enjoy time with my best friend (God), time with my kids, traveling, watching all sports, and working out. Being a part of YOUR journey to a healthier you is what I’m passionate about.