Non-Scale Victories

by Journey to Health Program Director, Becky Anderson

Don’t be a slave to the scale!

I am so against monitoring your progress by what the scale tells you, that I don’t even own a scale. A person can be doing everything as perfectly as possible, but if that number on the scale doesn’t show what they had hoped, none of your hard work matters.

If you’re a slave to the scale, I challenge you to have someone hide your scale for a week or even a month. Continue your healthy lifestyle choices, write down the positives you’re experiencing from those choices, and then (if you have to) weigh yourself to see what that number is.

Numbers that would be more significant than what you weigh could be what your blood pressure is on a daily basis, tracking your blood sugars, maybe checking your cholesterol levels. These #s are affected in a good way when you start eating less and moving more.

Please share with me any of the NSVs (non-scale victories) you experience. I love to hear your stories of how your life changes for the better when you make yourself a priority.

For more information email

Lainie Wolter
Lainie Wolter

JTH Program Director

Becky Anderson

My name is Becky and I am the proud mother of 7. My role is in the exercise discipline. I am a life-long athlete. My favorite sport is basketball, and I have been coaching at all levels for over 28 years. I enjoy time with my best friend (God), time with my kids, traveling, watching all sports, and working out. Being a part of YOUR journey to a healthier you is what I’m passionate about.