Become a Healthy Grazer


In over 20 years in the weight management industry, I have seen trends come and trends go. What I have always held onto is this----there is not one single program that is perfect for everyone. As I recently entered my 51st year of life, I now also hold onto this----our bodies and requirements for maintaining our health changes and evolves every few years. Here is what I have found works best for me now (and mostly for the last 4-5 years), I am most successful with weight loss/weight maintenance when I graze. This is a pattern of eating multiple, small, healthy meals throughout the day. Grazing keeps my hunger under control, my metabolism kicking, and energy levels where I need them to be.

Become a Healthy Grazer2024-07-18T12:25:32-05:00

Your Relationship With Food… How Do You Really Feel?


Life is all about relationships. Family, friends, food. The first two are obvious, but that third one is tricky. When it comes to food, do you feel you control food or food controls you? Understanding this is monumental in establishing healthier lifestyle habits. Too often we use our emotions as an excuse to over-consume. We eat when we are happy, sad, angry, stressed, bored, mad. If you use one or more of these emotions as an excuse, you are not alone. BUT, we need to recognize this and find a non-food-related way to deal with these emotions.

Your Relationship With Food… How Do You Really Feel?2024-07-18T12:33:16-05:00

Sweet, Sweet Summertime. One Month Down, Two to Go…


When you "blow it" with the healthy lifestyle choices you're trying to make, do you immediately get back on task? Or do you think, "Well, that didn't work. I will try again tomorrow (next week, next month, etc.)" In every journey we go on in our lives, we will fail at some point. We are human. There is no reason to beat ourselves up over setbacks. It is through our failures that we learn what to do/not do the next time.

Sweet, Sweet Summertime. One Month Down, Two to Go…2024-07-18T12:25:50-05:00

Exercise? I thought you said “extra fries!”


We are busy people! We have duties at work, duties at home, plus we have to squeeze in time to eat and sleep. When am I supposed to find time to fit in any exercise at all? These are things I not only hear regularly, but things I have found myself saying.

Exercise? I thought you said “extra fries!”2024-07-18T12:28:40-05:00

The Cost of Water: a 4-week Water Challenge


I have been in the medical weight loss field for over 20 years. Trends have come and trends have gone. What is the one, most consistent "must do" to accomplish your goal of a healthier you? 128 ounces of water each day. And guess what? It's FREE!!!

The Cost of Water: a 4-week Water Challenge2024-07-18T12:31:10-05:00

Summertime Goals


Summer is officially here. For most of us, it'll be over before we blink. What are your plans for the summer? Make a list of your goals for this summer right now. Don't say you will get to it; it takes 2 minutes. Give me your top 3 things you hope to accomplish in the next 3 months.

Summertime Goals2024-07-18T12:30:19-05:00

What Does Your Struggle Bus Look Like?


Every single one of us have gone through challenging seasons of our lives. Only you know what your season looks like. I'm going to share mine, and then we can look forward on how to get through our seasons together.

What Does Your Struggle Bus Look Like?2024-07-18T12:35:15-05:00
  • Flat lay. Cutting ingredients on a white cutting board to make classic guacamole dip.

Healthy Summertime Recipes


We’re in the peak of summertime activities, vacations and fun! We all know how difficult it can be to stay on track and eat healthy in the summertime. These nutritious recipes can be a great addition to your weekly meals – they’re refreshing, delicious and healthy!

Healthy Summertime Recipes2023-08-04T11:00:15-05:00
  • A mixture of letters of the alphabet with the word habits.

Boost Your Healthy Lifestyle with Habit Stacking


We all know that to achieve our goals we need to change or update some of the “not so good” habits with one that will help get us to our healthy lifestyle finish line. We tend to think of ourselves as human beings that can change our habits with pure willpower. Some can! But to make that new habit stick and become second nature to us, is much harder. Learn how to "habit stack".

Boost Your Healthy Lifestyle with Habit Stacking2023-07-21T11:00:44-05:00
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