Sticking to Your Plan When Traveling


As the holiday season approaches, I know a lot of you will be traveling. Let's have a good game plan going into a busy travel season so we can stick with our healthier lifestyle habits we have worked so hard to adopt.

Sticking to Your Plan When Traveling2024-10-22T12:28:12-05:00

Why Journaling is Important for Weight Loss


a person who doesn't enjoy reading nor writing, I do find some comfort in putting my feelings into words. I want to start with this---there is no, one, right way to journal. You have to find what works for you and stick with it. There are no rules, really, when you think about it. How you journal can even change however many times you want. The art of journaling is to do what helps you process your thoughts, reflect back on things that bothered you before, and, perhaps, see how you dealt with it in the past.

Why Journaling is Important for Weight Loss2024-10-22T12:27:49-05:00

Tips for Exercising When It’s Cold Outside


If you're a person that doesn't enjoy exercise anyway, there are things that can make it easy for you to cancel your appointment for exercise on any particular day. It's too hot, it's raining, my dog is sick, I have a headache, I need new shoes, I have errands to run, I'm having a bad hair day. The list goes on and on.

Tips for Exercising When It’s Cold Outside2024-10-22T12:24:00-05:00

Don’t Be Scared of Halloween


When it comes time for Halloween, I think of pumpkin patches, haunted houses, ghosts/goblins/ghouls. These things can be scary for some, but what really scares me the most about Halloween is the amount of candy everywhere.

Don’t Be Scared of Halloween2024-10-22T12:24:09-05:00

Outeating Your Exercise


A common occurrence in my weight loss clinics----A new participant comes into the program super motivated and starts a new exercise routine. In that person's mind, since they are burning more calories with their exercise, they feel they can then consume more calories. WRONG!

Outeating Your Exercise2024-10-22T12:50:58-05:00
  • Journey to Health is 5 years old!

Happy Anniversary to JTH!


5 years ago, an online version of the nationally recognized, award-winning Physician's Choice Wellness was created. This program was designed to help people that could not make it to an in-person clinic due to family or work responsibilities, or health limitations. JTH has grown to help people coast-to-coast who, perhaps, do not have another option near where they live. We really experienced a lot of growth as our world was rocked by COVID. I'm happy to celebrate 5 years of helping people through Journey To Health.

Happy Anniversary to JTH!2024-10-21T15:04:31-05:00
  • woman getting salad on plate at dinner table

Don’t Skip Meals!!


A common occurrence in my weight loss clinics----A new participant comes into the program super motivated and starts the program with a lot of energy. Regular, weekly weight loss is noted for several weeks. Finally, at one weigh in, this participant shows no weight loss. The next week, same thing. The participant promises complete compliance. After some discussion, what we learn is that that person thought if he/she was losing regularly at a particular number of calories, they certainly would lose more if they consumed less. This. Is. Absolutely. Not. True. It's the opposite of what will actually happen.

Don’t Skip Meals!!2024-09-09T13:39:29-05:00
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