unhappy sad plus size woman in sportswear

Body Contouring Fat Reduction!

by Journey to Health Program Director, Becky Anderson

In all of my years in this line of work, there has been one reoccurring problem that I have never found a painless, effective, reasonably priced solution for. With weight loss, a lot of times there is excess skin that remains that can be annoying, frustrating, and sometimes painful.

I have found a WONDERFUL person in Charleston, IL that has a system that melts away inches of fat and adds new collagen and elasticity to your skin. Evolve Ultra Sculpt utilizes FDA approved LED Red Light technology to guarantee immediate, pain free results in your first visit.

This location may not be near where you live, but you can still contact Ashley and she can direct you to the clinic nearest you. If you are within a few hours drive, I encourage you to set up your first appointment. Tell Ashley that Becky from JTH sent you, and she will do your first appointment for free if you don’t lose at least 3 inches of fat across your treatment area. If you’re happy with results from that first session, that $149 can be applied to a package that you choose with Ashley’s recommendation.

This initial consultation is definitely worth your time. Text or email Ashley today if you have sagging skin left behind from your weight loss that you want to get rid of. It is a superior option to having it surgically removed, IMO.

For more information email info@jthweightloss.com.

Lainie Wolter
Lainie Wolter

JTH Program Director

Becky Anderson

My name is Becky and I am the proud mother of 7. My role is in the exercise discipline. I am a life-long athlete. My favorite sport is basketball, and I have been coaching at all levels for over 28 years. I enjoy time with my best friend (God), time with my kids, traveling, watching all sports, and working out. Being a part of YOUR journey to a healthier you is what I’m passionate about.