Your Relationship With Food… How Do You Really Feel?

by Journey to Health Program Director, Becky Anderson

Life is all about relationships. Family, friends, food. The first two are obvious, but that third one is tricky.

When it comes to food, do you feel you control food or food controls you? Understanding this is monumental in establishing healthier lifestyle habits.

Too often we use our emotions as an excuse to over-consume. We eat when we are happy, sad, angry, stressed, bored, mad. If you use one or more of these emotions as an excuse, you are not alone. BUT, we need to recognize this and find a non-food-related way to deal with these emotions.

Distraction is the best defense. Make yourself a “honey-do” list and turn to it instead of turning to the pantry. In doing so, you can keep yourself from eating when you’re not truly hungry PLUS you feel more productive marking things off of your list.

Need ideas for your list? Here are a few of mine: declutter my bathroom closet, donate clothes from my kids’ closets that they don’t want anymore, paint guest bathroom, take my dog for a walk, cut my toenails, write a friend a letter, do a crossword puzzle, remove unwanted apps on my phone, search for a trip I want to take. Nothing is off limits if it can keep you busy and your mind off of your next meal.

Share your honey-do list with me. You may give me some ideas. I am constantly working on ways to improve how Journey To Health can help you in your quest to increase your quality of life. Never hesitate to reach out if there’s any way I can help you.

For more information email

Lainie Wolter
Lainie Wolter

JTH Program Director

Becky Anderson

My name is Becky and I am the proud mother of 7. My role is in the exercise discipline. I am a life-long athlete. My favorite sport is basketball, and I have been coaching at all levels for over 28 years. I enjoy time with my best friend (God), time with my kids, traveling, watching all sports, and working out. Being a part of YOUR journey to a healthier you is what I’m passionate about.