Become a Healthy Grazer

by Journey to Health Program Director, Becky Anderson

In over 20 years in the weight management industry, I have seen trends come and trends go. What I have always held onto is this—-there is not one single program that is perfect for everyone. As I recently entered my 51st year of life, I now also hold onto this—-our bodies and requirements for maintaining our health changes and evolves every few years.

Here is what I have found works best for me now (and mostly for the last 4-5 years), I am most successful with weight loss/weight maintenance when I graze. This is a pattern of eating multiple, small, healthy meals throughout the day. Grazing keeps my hunger under control, my metabolism kicking, and energy levels where I need them to be.

A few keys to make grazing a success:

  1. Stock up on healthy foods. High nutrients, low fat and sugar options are best.
  2. Prepare ahead of time. I buy chicken tenderloins in bulk. I will marinade them in 4 baggies with 4 different flavors of marinade. Once grilled, I put them in clean, labeled baggies so they’re easy to grab 1-2 for a quick/healthy meal. I also clean, cut and baggie some celery stalks. Hardly any calories, but full of fiber and keeps you chewing. Also, get snack-sized baggies and pre-portion some almonds or other healthy snacks.
  3. Always start your day with breakfast. I find my favorite Robard meal replacement is best and easiest to get my day off to a good start, but make sure you eat something within 1-2 hours of waking up.
  4. Eat every 2-3 hours. Even if you’re not actually hungry yet, grab something small and healthy to keep your hunger at bay. A couple slices of turkey, a cheese stick, a hard-boiled egg, a piece of your favorite fruit.
  5. Always think ahead. Don’t leave the house without putting something in your bag/purse/car that can help keep you on track. This is when the Robard snacks, bars, or beverage in a bottle comes in handy. Never give yourself the excuse to go through a drive-through because your healthy options are very much limited there.

If you have other ways to make a grazing lifestyle easier, please share your ideas with me. I am constantly working on ways to improve how Journey To Health can help you in your quest to increase your quality of life. Never hesitate to reach out if there’s anyway I can help you.

For more information email

Lainie Wolter
Lainie Wolter

JTH Program Director

Becky Anderson

My name is Becky and I am the proud mother of 7. My role is in the exercise discipline. I am a life-long athlete. My favorite sport is basketball, and I have been coaching at all levels for over 28 years. I enjoy time with my best friend (God), time with my kids, traveling, watching all sports, and working out. Being a part of YOUR journey to a healthier you is what I’m passionate about.